Lifestyle diseases are one of society’s great problems. More and more experience suffering or diseases, such as overweight, obesity, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. To a large degree NCD`s have their origin in inactivity and poor dietary habits of the population.
Further, we all live in an increasingly fast moving society where stress is often related to burnout and sick leave. This creates a way for new challenges at workplaces when effective health promotion measures should be facilitated.
Reducing sick leave. With help of our newly developed health and lifestyle survey that has a more holistic approach to health and lifestyle, it becomes easy to have an overview of factors that affect the workplace and each employee in a positive and negative direction.
With this information, it is possible to more easily work to increase job satisfaction, motivation and reduce sick leave at the workplace.
The Health Barometer is composed of 72 questions divided over six categories and takes approximately 20 minutes to answer.
We recommend a minimum of 25 licences in order for the survey to be useful.
The health and lifestyle survey to Tappa Service maintains strict anonymity for the individual employee and the company itself..
Combine the survey with the activity competitions —> Objective effects