INDIVIDUAL FEEDBACK. The employees can easily register on our website where they receive access to the survey. With help of the analysis tool ”Direct feedback” each employee will have direct access to the results after the survey is answered.
Individual feedback contains:
Individual report (can be exported to pdf format)
Clear feedback on current lifestyle
Opportunity to compare results with previous mappings
”Direct feedback” functionality

ORGANIZATIONAL FEEDBACK. With help of ”Direct feedback”, the organization follows the development of the survey as each is being responded to. The organization can set up individual reports and implement different comparisons with the help of a functional analysis tool. The analysis tool will of course protect the individuals anonymity.
The analysis tool contains:
Overview and status of all surveys conducted
Opportunity to set up individual reports
Opportunity to comppare results over time
Interactive radar diagram function
Comparison of groups with analysis parameters
”Direct feedback” functionality

IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS FOR LARGER WORKPLACES.At larger workplaces the needs often present themselves differently than in small and middle sized businesses, and it becomes necessary with a wider analysis. Tappa Service can offer a more in-depth analysis that takes several diverse variables and makes comparisons. On the basis of this analysis, you will receive concrete action proposals for the workplace.
The analysis is carried out by Professor Bengt Fridlund who has over 30 years of experience from this field.
Why this kind of survey